Friday, March 03, 2006


I was listening to the radio today, and the host brought up an interesting question.
She said that there are just some secret you should never tell. Not because of trust, (which would be my first thought,) but because "...if there are things that you don't want known, then you should keep them to yourself!"

Now ain't that one hellova concept! It is damn near impossible because you always have that one person that you would trust unswervingly with your life. She then touched on that point. "...If you only have one person that you know you can trust with ''the'' secret because you feel the need for whatever reason, you have to remember that they may have someone that they trust that way. And It may not be you. So now two people know your secret and you only know about one." She went on to give examples of times within which it may be best to hold back. "If you begin the conversation with someone like 'I know I can tell you because you won't tell nobody,...' or 'You have to swear you won't tell what I'm going to tell you...' these are obviously things you should keep to yourself!"

Now I wonder of all the people who listened to her show on 104.9 today, went on with the rest of their day starting conversations the exact same way?! Did you talk to any people between the ages of 16-55 today? Were they African-Americans who live in the St. Louis area? Did they drive/ride in a car this morning?

If so, then they didn't pay attention.


Blogger Jaime said...

You know...I didn't hear that, but even still, I've had my own hypothesis for a few years now that no one really has any secrets. You'd like to think you do, but if you really think about it...there's always one person that knows--either they were there, or they saw it, or whatever...even if you're not aware that they know.

Anyway...I got burned recently with my own "secret"...I've decided that if someone is worth trusting with a secret, you don't have to preface it with "Don't tell anyone" or "This is a secret." If they're trustworthy, they won't tell whether you told them not to or not.

Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:35:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

well I can shoot at least one hole in your hypothesis. You're driving alone, hit a car, and drive off. Two years later noone has shown up on your doorstep. Is that a secret that you think it is safe to tell someone? Even if you just put it in the form of a story to someone, they can always use it against you later.

Whereas in my case, yeah there may be witnesses, but the most accurate term to descibe them is accomplice. Never let a victim no anything about you, not your name, liscence plate, skin color if you can avoid it. That's why everything I do that is a secret is premeditated

Saturday, March 11, 2006 1:02:00 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

The person whose car you hit, knows that you hit it. They may not know your name, but they know an action, done by you.

Monday, March 13, 2006 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday, April 02, 2006 6:37:00 AM  

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